I don’t think I could go through this if I didn’t have hope. I think it’s inside you, too. You either have it or you don’t.
My name is Bob. I played four years college baseball, coached 23 years of Little League Baseball in Chelmsford, my hometown. I have three children, and I’m very proud of all three of them, and have a love of Boston sports—all the sports teams. I’ve followed them my whole life.
The night that I had my stroke, I was having dinner with a friend who made spaghetti. I was bringing the cheese shaker back to the refrigerator, and it fell out of my left hand. And my friend, who was a nurse, looked at me and said, “You’re having a stroke,” and called 911.
Got to the hospital, and they immediately took me down for a brain scan and saw the clot. And it affected my left side. And, as a result of the stroke, there’s Spasticity in my arm. I was transferred to a rehab hospital in Boston and spent a year there, working every day with three different therapists doing occupational therapy, physical therapy.
My therapist recommended a physiatrist that specializes in treatment of Spasticity using BOTOX®. He diagnosed me with upper and lower limb Spasticity. He talked to me about BOTOX® and any of the risks that are associated with it.
So I went ahead with the treatment and continue with every 12 weeks. My arm would be up like this if I didn’t have the treatment. When I told my kids or friends that I was doing BOTOX® treatments, they all thought it was great. “Good, keep it up,” you know.
BOTOX® helps reduce the stiffness and tightness in my muscles. I have always shared my treatment goals with any doctors, including the physiatrist that I’ve gone to.
One day, I would like to be more involved in my coaching style. I’m still out there every day. Getting up, there’s a purpose to go and spend an hour and a half with some good kids. Teaching somebody something and seeing them get it. I just love that. And I get probably more out of it than the kids do. I have a friend of mine who always says to me, “Don’t you ever dare give up hope.”
Community to me is very important. I think there’s a support mechanism there for you and for other people as well. If I could tell someone with Spasticity one thing I would tell them to find a physiatrist or neurologist that will treat you with BOTOX®.
I wish I heard about BOTOX® sooner. I would highly recommend that you not wait and go seek treatment with a physiatrist. The thing is, prioritizing treatment with BOTOX® every 12 weeks has made a difference for me. And I don’t let Spasticity stand in the way of doing things that are important.
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Bob Doesn’t Let Spasticity Stand In His Way
Bob is a youth baseball coach, Boston sports fan, and proud father of three grown-up children